Chronological Table of Okansen and Fireworks

  • After the party at Ryutan and Engakuji Temple

    Fireworks:Banquet at the North Hall. Fireworks from the tip of the pole and firecrackers set off by running with a made-up horse.

  • First performance of Kumiodori by Chokun Tamagusuku

    Fireworks: generally the same

  • First performance of Chouchoku Tasato’s work

    Fireworks: generally the same

  • Mourning the Qianlong Emperor, China

    Fireworks: Refrain from holding a party at Shuri Castle. Dancing and fireworks are performed at Shikinaen and Ochaya Goten.

  • First performance of karakuri fireworks (estimated)

    Fireworks: Fireworks were held, but contents unknown.

  • 4 units of fireworks

    Fireworks: “Kaketoko”, “Tamabi”, “Tamahyoutan”, “O-uchiwa” were performed.

  • The last king of Ryukyu

    Fireworks: “Kaketoko”, “Yonrinsha”, “O-uchiwa”, “Tamabi”, “Souryu” were performed.

The first record of fireworks at Okansen appears in 1683. At that time, the fireworks were viewed from the North Hall, but in 1719, a stage was built in front of the North Hall, and since then, the fireworks have been viewed from the stage.